Installing office setup (2007)

3 min readJul 14, 2021

As always, you will need a Windows install of Office 2007. That said, there are many people who will want to use Office 2007 for two-fold reasons. | Activate Your Office Setup with Product Key

One is security; Office 2007 prevents (disable) some harmful programs (like viruses) from being installed in the system’s memory.

Two, Office 2007 sets the layout of the desktop. By default, it is used for both programs and other applications that need lots of information displayed to be properly sized for the screen.

The other reason is client connections. Office 2007 supports remote document transfer as long as you have a valid IP address that is part of the Windows AD domain (it may be in the security group for the network) and a valid port (25 for FTP). For security, you can also set the “Office Connectivity” by opening Control Panel > Computer Configuration > Administrative Tools > Options > Access. Then click Advanced options, and then click “Set a connection type.” Click “Clients” for “Office Connectivity.”

If you use Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), you can also connect to an Office 2007-powered server as long as you have a valid IP address in the AD domain and a port (254) in the security group (it may be in the security group for the network).

During installation, the setup folder may come up. You can simply remove any files in the setup folder by selecting File > Remove All Files > Other Files.

Accessing the Office setup

Once installation completes, Office is automatically opened by clicking on the Office logo in the system tray.

If you are using a client that requires setup, you can also open Office setup in any of the following ways:

Choose “Office Setup” in the list of Open File dialogs.

Access a program’s setup via a console applet (such as Microsoft’s Update Center), where it will display setup options. (That applet also allows you to create a local setup for remote setup).

You can also open setup via control panel settings.

The setup and updates applet has two functions:

It displays the status of the setup and updates for any client that has been set up.

It downloads updates to the client.

The updates applet allows you to change settings and apply the updates. You can also remove updates from a server.

The setup applet requires that you enter a password. That password is used to log in to the system and the client setup. In some cases, you can enter a client password. The setup applet stores the client password in the password applet. After changing password settings for a client or server, the password in the password applet will be changed to the new one.

If you have set up an account for the client setup, it will be updated to the new account settings. Also, if you are using an already configured account, then it will be updated. If you are setting up a new account, you will only be allowed to select a new password.

This setup uses the server info stored in the Windows log files for authentication and updates.

Service activation

When setting up a client or server, the setup applet only updates the server to be ready for further changes. If you run the setup program by itself (such as “Office Setup” or “Office Setup Manager”), it does not change the server for security or other purposes. Instead, it changes server status to start service activation of the client.

When the program runs, it can choose to enable/disable the server or not. If the client hasn’t been properly activated (based on the server configuration), then it will simply stop the server without initiating service activation. It will also remove any files from the server.

If you already enabled or disabled the client’s setup, then it will cancel it.

Accessing service activation

Service activation allows you to only have service activation on the client (you will not have service activation on a server, and vice versa).

Activating a server is a simple process of entering the client password for the server setup. The process is similar to setting up a client. The program scans for the server settings, and if it finds anything that conflicts with the client setup, it will simply remove the server setup from the server.




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